Protection of Cordillera Azul
The constant arrival of people seeking plots of land for migratory farming and the building of unofficial roads create pressure on the Park and interfere with management objectives. Migratory farming results in trees being cut, reduces the quality and quantity of water, depletes soil, changes microclimate drastically and causes social conflicts over natural resources.
Strategies to change this situation include:
Local communities participated in manufacturing and installing signs around the whole Park
Members from local communities team up with Park Rangers
Park rangers conduct patrol missions within the Park and around the entry points in order to prevent illegal activities. Park rangers receive training in first aid, survival skills, the monitoring of biodiversity and surveillance of the Park. Likewise, they receive training regarding environmental education. They also have the support of the autonomous peasant patrols (Ronda Campesina).
- Official Park Rangers: are recognized by SERNANP: 45
- Communal Park Rangers: are elected in Assembly of their own communities - 240